Get Medicare TPA Services Empanelment

  • Top consultant for Medicare TPA Services empanelment
  • Complete support from documentation to filing
  • Get Empanelment, Rate negotiations, Reimbursement & Claim support

Medicare TPA Services Empanelment

What is Medicare TPA Services Hospital Empanelment?

Medicare TPA Services is a third-party administrator that provides health insurance services to individuals under the Medicare program. Hospital empanelment is a process by which Medicare TPA Services registers & authorizes hospitals to provide medical services to patients who are covered under their health insurance plans. This process involves the hospital meeting certain eligibility criteria & complying with the requirements set by Medicare TPA Services.

To be eligible for empanelment, hospitals must have the necessary infrastructure & equipment to provide medical services, along with qualified medical staff, nursing staff, & support staff. The hospital must also abide with all the regulatory requirements set by the relevant authorities, including fire safety & building codes.

Once a hospital has been empaneled, it is recognized as a network provider, & patients who are covered by Medicare TPA Services can access medical services from the hospital. The empanelment process enables the hospital to bill Medicare TPA Services directly for the medical services provided to their policyholders, which simplifies the billing process for both the hospital & the patients.

Hospital Empanelment

About Medicare TPA Services

Medicare TPA Services is one among the leading third-party administrators (TPA) in India that specializes in offering health insurance claim management services to insurance companies, policyholders, & healthcare providers. The company provides a range of products & services, including cashless hospitalization, claim settlement, pre-authorization, & medical consultation services. Medicare TPA Services has a network of empanelled hospitals & healthcare providers across India, & works closely with its clients to provide high-quality & cost-effective healthcare services. They have a team of experienced professionals who have in-depth knowledge of the healthcare industry & are dedicated to ensure timely & efficient claim settlement. Medicare TPA Services has established partnerships with several leading insurance companies & healthcare providers in India, & it is committed to provide innovative & effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of its clients. With its focus on quality & customer satisfaction, Medicare TPA Services has emerged as a trusted partner in the Indian healthcare industry.

How to get Empanelled with Medicare TPA Services?

It is possible for you to apply for Medicare TPA Services by yourself or with our help. We are one of the top consultants for Medicare TPA Services. Here are the steps for empanelment with Medicare TPA Services:

  • Fill application form available at Medicare TPA Services website
  • Upload the required empanelment documents 
  • Respond to the clarification emails from Medicare TPA Services
  • Get the hospital inspection done (if mandated)
  • Get final confirmation from Medicare TPA Services

Taking care of the above steps can be quite time-consuming for some doctors, hospitals, and clinics. That’s where we can help. Simply sign up with us, and we’ll handle everything for you.

Benefits of getting Empanelled with Medicare TPA Services

Getting empanelled with Medicare TPA Services can offer several benefits to hospitals, such as:

  • Increased visibility: Help hospitals gain visibility & exposure to a larger patient base, which can result in increased patient footfall & revenue.
  • Streamlined payment process: Hospitals can bill Medicare TPA Services directly for the medical services provided to their policyholders. This simplifies the payment process & eliminates the need for the hospital to follow up with patients for payment.
  • Improved reputation: Enhance the reputation of a hospital as a trusted healthcare provider that meets the regulatory & compliance requirements set by the relevant authorities.
  • Access to training & support: Provides hospitals with training & support to help them improve their quality of care & patient outcomes.
  • Cost savings: Reduce administrative costs associated with billing, claims processing, & payment collection. Additionally, empanelled hospitals may be eligible for discounted rates for medical equipment & supplies, which can result in cost savings.

Top Medicare TPA Services Consultant

One of the top agents/consultants for empanelment. Our team includes doctors, healthcare professionals, and certified quality consultants.

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Want to immediately start serving Medicare TPA Services patients?

Mantra Consulting helps you empanel with Medicare TPA Services. However, empanelment may take time and are contingent on approval form the TPA/ Insurance.  Therefore, we also offer you an option to serve Medicare TPA Services patients without empanelment through our Reimbursement scheme:

  • You share patient details with us
  • Our expert team checks patients documents and the chances for approval 
  • You perform surgery of the patient
  • Mantra pays you the surgery amount within 7 days
  • Mantra followups with Insurance company and patients for the reimbursement
  • Mantra bears the risk and hospital gets the payment!